Do you know your division members?
Who published a children’s book in 2008?
Who was part of a political theater troupe as an undergraduate?
Whose mother was one of the earliest female professional biochemists in Oklahoma?
Who has spent a night in Croatia with men shooting at the window?
Who ran with the bulls in Pamplona eight days in a row?
Who was married twice to the same woman?
Who played guitar and sang Joni Mitchell songs on the Ave. in the U District when fifteen years old?
Who had lunch with Cary Grant and Dyan Cannon?
Who appeared on Channel 5’s children’s television show, the Yankee Panky Show?
Who swims across Lake Washington from Sandpoint to Kirkland in the summers for fun?
Who danced on stage at the end of the original Broadway production of Hair?
Who set the speed jump-rope record for his junior high in the eighth grade – 72 jumps in 60 seconds?
Who needed a legalized “celibacy statement” to get married in Paris years ago?
Who was on a competition dance/drill team in high school?
Who was asked by President Bush not to hurt him?
Who worked as an editor for a janitorial service and learned how to clean urine and blood?
Who grew up in the town where the Dalai Lama lives?
Who was shot at by target shooters near a campsite outside of Yakima?
Who won a dance contest at a county fair in South Carolina in the late 1960s?
Who knows every line to Monty Python and the Holy Grail?